Do you love color?
We know we do and organizing color makes for a happy crafter ready to conquer the next project! Also, It's a beautiful way to add color and design to your craft desk or space.
We created some swatch cards to simply use in photography to add interest and share colors quickly in photos and little did we know you'd all want them. We certainly should have known better. LOL!
So I'm delighted today to have the printable ready for you in 2 sizes and
Oh SO EASY to make!
We know many of you already use a 2x2 swatch system so we decided to offer a smaller version that's easy to incorporate into what you have going in addition to our larger 3x4 swatch cards which are just a fun size with lots of visual impact.
You can find them both FREE in the shop
3x4 Color Crush Swatches
Printable Swatches
Adhesive and Paper Trimmer
Here is a simple visual for you with cut sizes for your cardstock swatches.
Each printable has light grey lines for easy no fuss cutting, ensuring they
are all the same size.
If you need to get organized or just feel creative this is an enjoyable exercise to get you in the crafty mood! Hope you enjoy having these. We love them!
xoxo, Amy
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